Choose the day and hour you would like to spend one hour with Jesus each week. Any day, any hour.
Beginning on Sundays at 1:00pm until the following Saturday at 1:00pm our chapel is open 24 hours. If you choose an hour between 8:00pm and 6:00am we will issue a special key to you to access the chapel which is locked during those hours.
No key is necessary during other day times.
Begin the sign up process below. You will receive additional information upon sign up.
* Adorers for these hours will be issued a keycard
Additional Adorers needed for all days and times. Please consider giving your time to sit with Jesus. To sign up contact Raquel at 847.888.1682 ext. 211.
If you can't commit to a permanent hour of Adoration but would like to receive text messages or emails when a subsitute might be needed sign up below.