Dear Chili for Charity Supporter,
The Knights of Columbus will host the 27th Annual Chili for Charity Fundraiser at St Thomas More on Saturday, February 22nd from 3:30-630 PM. We thank you for your generous support in the past and kindly ask you to support us again. I’ve included not only the ad sponsor option but also included the other options which include donating a prize for our raffle drawings or food items, a monetary donation and participating in the chili contest where there are cash prizes to the winners. There is a QR code on the flyers to make it easier to support this fun family event and please let us know what the payment is for. We also cordially invite all to come to this event where you can enjoy all you can eat hot dogs, chips, salad, milk and of course all the chili your stomach can handle. In previous years we were able to get up to 48 different types of chilies so we can satisfy everyone’s chili craving. There will be face painters, magicians, and balloon artists for the children. There will also be 50/50 raffle prizes during the event, larger raffle prizes at the end of the event. It is a great fun family event enjoyed by all, young and old alike. We generally had 600 to 800 people attend and hopefully we can break that record this year. The very last date for sponsoring an ad, entering as a chili contestant, or donating a raffle prize or food is February 15th so the printer has time to print the books that are handed out to everyone that comes to the event. It is a great opportunity to promote your business and show your support for the less fortunate in the community. Please email back if you are interested in putting an ad in our book and I attached a sample page showing the 3 different sizes with the price for each. The complete ad book is attached so you can see the different ads and the advertiser’s index is on pages 62-64 to help you see your previous ad. The resolution of the artwork has been reduced to allow the complete book to be emailed. The chairperson contact information for the other 2 options is in the separate flyers. We also ask you to hang the flyer in your place of business so your employees and customers can see the advertisement and attend this event. We thank you in advance for your consideration and my cell phone number is below if you have any questions regarding the ad book.
Chris Gulik
PGK KofC Council 654
Chris Gulik
The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men and their families, widows, college students, and religious members. If you believe in the importance of investing your time in friendship, the Church, and helping other then YOU are a candidate for membership in the prestigious order of the Knights of Columbus. Every KofC Council provides a variety of opportunities for members and their families to get involved in projects and activities that are enjoyable and benefit not only the Church but also the community as a whole, especially the less fortunate.
Please consider membership in this worthwhile Catholic organization. Complete the form below and someone will be in contact with membership details.
Financial Secretary- Marshall Spangler 847.695.1605
Membership Chairman- Bob Meek 847.741.4037