Everything that happens at St. Thomas More flows from and points back to the Sunday Mass. If you have never been to a Catholic Mass before, consider this your formal invitation! We would love to see you here on Sunday, no matter where you are in your journey of faith (and you may find this Catholic Vocabulary helpful). There is always room for you at St. Thomas More!
Traveling? There is a Catholic church nearby! To find another parish on Sunday wherever you happen to be, visit Mass Times
We have an interpreter for the deaf at our 10:00AM Mass several times each month. Please contact us to confirm the weekends she will be at Mass.
The Diocese of Rockford has an active Deaf Apostlate. Follow this link for more information. Deaf Apostolate website.
For anyone who is homebound or in a nursing home and unable to come to Mass, we have a dedicated team of volunteers who gladly make it a priority to visit you! For more information see our Ministry Page: HERE