The Diocese of Rockford is very concerned with the safety of our children and requires every parish to implement the grade appropriate lessons each year. We have them broken down below in two (2) parts- video 1 (above) is an overview and video 2 (below) focuses on internet safety. Please review both the videos and discuss with your child. If you have children at multiple grade levels, using the younger version for all your children together will save time and still open the window for conversation. For more video options and parent resources check out the Netsmartz website HERE.
We are required to let the Diocese know of lesson completions or "opt-out". Please note that videos and activities change each year.
Please use lesson verification below to submit to us by January 31st. Thank you!!
Grades K-2 - It's Ok to Tell (video)
Grades 3-5 - Bad Netiquette Stinks Bad Netiquette Stinks(video)
Grades 6-8 - Profile Penalty (video)