SPRED (Special Religious Development) is a beautiful ministry for people with special needs and /or disabilities. We affirm the dignity of each person as an essential member of the church and child of God. Spred is offered worldwide as a means for special needs people to experience faith using a unique approach. Catechists and friends grow together in faith. Set in a relaxed and beautiful context the process is comfortable, experiential and relational.
Available for those 18 years and older, and this ministry can be sponsored for those up to 96! Do you know of someone who would benefit from participating in a Spred group either as a special friend or catechist? We are enrolling individuals that are 18 years and older for fall. Help us by telling others about the Spred option. Are you called to be a member of this small faith group program that can enrich your faith as well as support someone with special needs? Do you know of someone with special needs who would benefit from Spred? Are you ready to take the hand of a special needs friend and begin a journey of faith together?