Youth ages fifth grade and older assist the priest at weekend Masses and other sacraments. Training provided.
Commitment: Depends on time of year and available servers. Usually 1-2 times a month.
Coordinator: Tim Horneman [email protected]
2023 Altar Server Registration Form-Downloadable PDF
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist the priest during Mass with the reception of Holy Communion. Ministers must be fully intitated Catholics (have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation) and if they are married their marriage has been celebrated in a Catholic Church.
Commitment: Ministers are able to choose the Mass times and dates that best fit their schedule. Training is required.
Contact: Sharon Hall [email protected]
A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon).
Lectors should be faithful Catholics who practice their faith.
Commitment: Lectors are able to choose the Mass times and dates that best fit their schedule. Training is required.
Contact: Tim Horneman
Mass Coordinators prepare the altar and sanctuary for Mass. They also make certain that other liturgical minsiters are present and ready for the Mass.
Commitment: Mass Coordinators are able to choose the Mass times and dates that best fit their schedule. Training is required.
Contact: Tim Horneman
A Minsiter of Hope assists with funerals. They prepare the altar and sanctuary for the Mass. They also act as a liasion for the parish in welcoming the family present for the funeral.
Commitment: Volunteers are contacted when needed and can choose to volunteer if available.
Coordinator: Agnes Gulik [email protected]
Coordinator assists priest by conducting the rehearsal. On the day of the wedding the coordinator sets up and prepares for the Mass, and directs the wedding party to ensure a sacred celebration for the sacrament of marriage. Training is provided.
Commitment: Volunteers are contacted when needed and can choose to volunteer if available.
Special Note: Must be available for both the rehearal and wedding ceremony.
Coordinator: Tim Horneman [email protected]
Volunteers wash and iron sacred linens used at Mass.
Commitment: 90 minutes, every other month.
Coordinator: Contact parish office